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Last Minute Holiday Gift List

This IBd Life (2)

Yup, I wrote a white elephant gift post last week, and this week I am back with all the last minute holiday gift ideas. Whichever holiday you celebrate, this week is THE week. Are you a last minute gift giver like I am?

Yes, all these are going to be from Amazon. Not every area has the same stores. (Although not every area has same day shipping). However feel free to go support a more “local” business if that suits you. These are the ideas, and there are links for the lazy people. Like me. (Affiliate links below)

Here are my top 5 gifts you can get for someone else in your life:

  1. Let’s be honest a gift card – Yes certain gifts are thoughtful, but my favorite gifts are definitely in the cash variety. A gift card just makes it classy.
  2. These Beats Headphones. From Amazon, are right now 50% off. Great last minute gift! A little pricier than most spend, but not a splurge people always buy themselves.
  3. A robo vacuum mop. Actually this is on my list.
  4. A digital picture frame
  5. Nice cuff links or jewelry.

Yes I know this price list is not consistent, but when you are last minute, budget doesn’t stay the same? And for next year put a reminder in your phone by December 1st that all gifts must be bought. This way you can calmly buy and plan your holiday gifts.

Unless you find out about a new family member unknown, you know who you have to buy your gifts for.

Lastly, have you bought yourself a gift yet? Check this out -> My Top 5 items You Need this Holiday! Maybe you need to buy yourself a last minute gift.

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